Nationally Accredited First Aid Courses

Nationally Recognised Training Delivered by PADI RTO #6729 Registered Trainer Ian Riley

Provide CPR - HLTAID 009
Provide First Aid - HLTAID011
Provide Advanced First Aid - HLTAID014
Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy - HLTAID015

Provide First Aid in Remote or Isolated Site - HLTAID013

Training consists of Online Theory & Face to Face Practical Sessions

Nationally Recognised Training Delivered by PADI RTO #6729 Registered Trainer Ian Riley

We specialise in providing quality, small group training for you and your organisation.

Offering a range of courses from 2.5hr CPR Refreshers to 3 day Remote Area First Aid.

Custom Run Courses for You and Your Organisation

You can either join one of our existing courses by booking online below or contact us to organises a custom run course that meets your organisations needs.
Because we are small and focus on quality we are able to run courses which fit with your schedule, location and specific requirements.